优蜜传媒 offers professional, graduate-level tutoring to graduate students.

When you visit the Graduate Writing Center, you will engage in a real-time conversation with a writing tutor who will help you decide how to improve the writing assignment you are working to complete or revise. You will be able to talk with the tutor using your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

The Graduate Writing Center is committed to helping students with writing assignments in any subject and for any class. Students can meet with a professional tutor for one-on-one, online sessions via Upswing. To make an appointment to meet with a writing tutor online, please click this link:听

How to Schedule Your Online Appointment

No-Show Policy

The writing tutors take appointments seriously. If you schedule an appointment to work with a writing tutor, online or in-person, please come to the appointment at your scheduled time.

If a student does not show up for a scheduled session, the tutor will do the following:

10 minutes after the appointment was supposed to start, the tutor will email/ message the student.

The tutor will wait for 15 minutes; after 15 minutes, the tutor will leave/ log out.