Professor Carolyn Ford Featured In Two New Exhibitions

Professor Carolyn Ford Featured In Two New Exhibitions

Carolyn Ford, Limestone College Professor of Art, is currently being featured in “Southern Sampler: Contemporary Artists of the New South” at the College of Brockport State University of New York in the Tower Fine Arts Gallery. 

Ford created 13 new ceramic disk tiles specifically about her Tennessee heritage for this exhibit. The exhibition started on Jan. 30 and will conclude on March 4.

“There are three themes I explored: Southernisms, traditional southern skills, and the three parts of the state’s style of music,” Ford said. “I hope the northern viewers will want to ask questions and understand the importance of traditions created from historical context – wipe away the stereotypes and understand the roots of our ways. I also hope to impart humor from our colorful means of spinning yarns.”

Also, Ford is being featured in the “SC Clay > Higher Ed” exhibition at Francis Marion University. This exhibit will feature 22 college and university ceramicists representing 14 state-wide institutions.

“SC Clay > Higher Ed” will be on display at FMU from Feb. 20 through March 29 in the Hyman Fine Arts Center Gallery.

“In this exhibit, I have put together five works representing influential travel locations including Bolivia, Italy, Greece, Mexico, and China,” Ford said. “Each incorporates a reference to a historical work of art or monument juxtaposed to a personal tongue-in-cheek story or humorous element that made an impression.”

Ford, the Chair of Limestone’s Art Department, has worked at the College since 2003. She teaches a variety of courses, including drawing, ceramics, 3D and crafts.

(Attached is a ceramic tile of Johnny Cash featured in the Southern Sampler exhibit.)