Anyone receiving a bomb or other threat by telephone should do the following:

Remember... Stay calm.  Help others remain calm.  When you are reporting an emergency situation give concise, accurate answers to the 911 operator. Do not hang up until told to do so.

Campus Police phone number is 864-488-8344鈥攐n campus ext. 8344.

A.  The primary goal of the bomb threat procedure is to minimize injury to people, damage to the facility, and avoid disrupting normal schedules.  The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for handling bomb threats and actual bomb emergencies.  All bomb threats should be taken seriously and any employee receiving a telephone bomb threat should attempt to remember all details of the conversation. Employees should never take safety for granted.

B.  If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus DO NOT HANDLE THE OBJECT! Clear the area and immediately notify Campus Police or the on-site officer.

C.  If you RECEIVE a Bomb Threat:

  • Obtain as much information about the call and the caller as possible. If your building is the OBJECT OF THE THREAT, alert all persons in the threatened area to evacuate the building. Employees are requested to make a cursory inspection of their area for suspicious objects and report the location to on-site police officer upon their arrival. DO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECT.
  • Evacuate to a safe location, notify the University Dispatcher of your location and phone number and await further instructions.

D.  If you are REPORTING A Bomb Threat:

  • Dial 911 ** If the threat is for your building, make the notification from a phone in a different building.
  • If you receive a call for a threat to another building/area, inform the University Dispatcher and the dispatcher will send a Campus Police Officer to handle the evacuation.
  • Make yourself available to responding authorities in the event they need additional information.
  • Use the Bomb Threat Report Form (whenever possible) to record as much information about the call as possible.

E. What  NOT  To Do!

  • Do NOT panic!
  • Do NOT go looking for the bomb!
  • Do NOT give any information about the bomb threat to anyone except Law Enforcement Personnel.
  • Do NOT give any statement to the media. Press releases will be coordinated from the Director of Communications.

F.  Limestone Campus Police on the scene is the official in charge at the scene and all communications should go through him/her.