A. Potential “LOCK DOWN” scenarios:
- An active shooter in progress on campus.
- Hazardous Materials exposure.
- Chemical weapons attack.
- Pandemic-contagious medical outbreak
- Severe Weather (refer to Severe Weather section of this document)
- Lock-Down will radiate from the “hot zone” until the complete campus is locked-down.
- Building lock-down requirements
- Communication with entire campus; faculty, staff and students.
- Physically locking of EXTERNAL doors of buildings.
C. Communication with campus: provide the campus with instructions for appropriate actions.
- All User email alert.
- Student Services to notify Residence Life staff.
- Audible alerts from police vehicles using public address system(s) – Clock tower, intercoms, etc…
The ۴ý Emergency Response Team will be assembled in the designated Command Center.
D. Physical locking of buildings- Lock shop will secure exterior doors with card swipe capabilities.
- Environmental services and security will be responsible to secure exterior doors of buildings without card swipe capabilities, beginning at the “hot zone”.
- Invoking police mutual aid agreement vehicle access and egress will be blocked.
E. General instructions for individuals.
- Lock/barricade yourself in your room/classroom or other secure area.
- Stay away from windows and doors.
- Remain quiet.
- Do not leave until police or security contact you and confirm its safe, then follow their instructions completely.
F. In the event of an “Active Shooter” on campus the State Attorney General has established set protocols for all police agencies.
These protocols include directions on:
- The firing of weapons.
- The first responder’s actions.
- The initial number of persons allowed in the shooting area.
- Medical rescue and removal of victims.